A Professional Support Service for Persons With Disabilities
Blue Livin’ Supports (BLS) is an agency committed to improving the quality of life for persons with developmental disabilities. Our mission is to help consumers reach their full potential by encouraging them to make informed choices and decisions; obtain their maximum potential for independence; and become integrated into the community.
To assist individuals, reach their full potential towards independent living, BLS collaborates with natural support service members; Parents, Guardians, Support Coordinators and Public Fiduciary's, Behaviorists, and others. Through this joint venture, INDIVIDUALS will be enabled to live in homes of their own, increase skills that lead to community integration and become empowered to pursue their dreams.

BLS goal is to provide individuals with the necessary resources and support to lead a fulfilling lifestyle making personal choices regarding their needs and desires by assisting them in such areas as:
BLS believes that all INDIVIDUALS have the right to an individualized lifestyle, with the supports necessary to fully participate in community life as he or she desires